Bersambung daripada Perkuburan dekat masjid Teluk Manok (Cemetery near the mosque of Teluk Manok).
Continuing from Perkuburan dekat masjid Teluk Manok (Cemetery near the mosque of Teluk Manok).
Seterusnya kami pergi ke sekolah agama yang dikenali sebagai Pondok Sala Anak Ayam.
Next we went to the religious school which is known as Pondok Sala Anak Ayam.
Saya pernah diberitahu sejak beberapa tahun lalu bahawa ia memiliki banyak koleksi Quran lama.
I was told many years ago that it has plenty of collections of old Quran.
Baru kali itu datang dan melihatnya.
It is only then that I came and look at it.