Bersambung daripada Lawatan baru ke Masjid (New visit to the mosque of) Ba'alawi, Singapura.
Continuing from Lawatan baru ke Masjid (New visit to the mosque of) Ba'alawi, Singapura.
Seterusnya kami pergi ke suatu tempat tersorok yang di Bukit Kasitah.
Next we went to a hidden place at Bukit Kasitah.
Di situ terdapat banyak makam lama.
There lies many old tombs.
Saya telah diberitahu tentangnya beberapa tahun lalu.
I have been told about it a number of years ago.
Cuma kali ini baru berpeluang menjejaknya.
It is just this time that I got the opportunity to track it.