Assalamualaikum semua. Masuk kita pada hari ke-4 perjalanan di Kalimantan Barat.
Peace be upon you all. Entering the 4th day of the West Kalimantan trip.
Pada artikel sebelum ini Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Keraton Landak dikuti (The building called) Keraton Ismahayana Landak telah disebut tentang kewujudan sebuah kerajaan lama bernama Landak. Pagi Khamis 11 Jun 2015 kami pergi ke pusat awal kerajaan di Mungguk lalu dibawa ke makam ini.
In the previous articles Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Keraton Landak followed by (The building called) Keraton Ismahayana Landak have been mentioned the existence of an olden kingdom called Landak. Thursday morning 11th June 2015 we went to the early centre of kingdom at Mungguk and was brought to this tomb.
Kami diberitahu ini adalah makam seorang ulamak bernama Kiyai Kesumi, orang yang bertanggungjawab mengIslamkan kerajaan Landak.
We were told this is the tomb of a religious master named Kiyai Kesumi, the person responsible for converting the kingdom of Landak to Islam.
Ini berlaku lebih 500 tahun lalu. Pemerintah yang diIslamkan memakai nama Raja Abdul Kahar.
This happened more than 500 years ago. The ruler which got converted used the name Raja Abdul Kahar.
Menurut ceritanya Kiyai Kesumi yang datang daripada luar, dipercayai daripada Melaka, tak pun Sumatera berikrar tidak mahu meninggalkan istana Landak. Apabila meninggal dunia tubuh beliau ghaib digantikan selaras meriam.
According to the stories Kiyai Kesumi who came from outside, believed to be from Melaka, if not from Sumatera, made a pledge to not leave the palace of Landak. When he passed away his body disappeared and was replaced by a piece of cannon.
Perkara sama dikatakan berlaku kepada isterinya. Meriam-meriam yang menggantikan tubuh badan mereka tidak dapat dialihkan. Itulah yang menandakan tempat mereka meninggal dunia di hadapan istana yang sudah lama hilang...
The same thing is said to have happened to his wife. The cannons which replaced their bodies could not be moved away. Those are the things that marked the places where they passed away in front of the palace which has since long been gone...