Bersambung dari Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Kampung Parit Haji Siraj, Pontian.
Continued from Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Kampung Parit Haji Siraj, Pontian.
Ahad 2 Nov saya ke Muar lagi lalu singgah di Bukit Treh. Terlihat sejumlah objek bersejarah telah dipelihara cantik.. Antaranya adalah batu ini.
Sunday 2 Nov I went to Muar again and thus made a stop at Bukit (hill of) Treh. Could be seen a number of historical objects being nicely maintained. Among it is this rock.
Biasanya batu sebegini cuma boleh ditemui di tepian pantai. Sedangkan tempat ini terletak 6 km dari badan air masin terdekat iaitu Selat Melaka.
Normally rock such as this could only be found besides a beach. On the other hand this place is located 6 km from the closest body of salt water that is the Straits of Melaka.
Dipercayai suatu masa dahulu kawasan ini terletak di dalam laut. Batu ini boleh dijadikan bukti...
It is believed that once upon a time this place is located within the sea. This rock could be made a proof...