Bersambung dari Gua di Bukit Treh (Cave at Bukit Treh).
Continued from Gua di Bukit Treh (Cave at Bukit Treh).
Pergi ke kaki di tenggara Bukit Treh kelihatan kawasan ini...
Moving to the foot at the south-east of Bukit (hill of ) Treh could be seen this area...
Terdapat tembok yang saya percaya berasal dari satu zaman yang agak purba.
There exists a wall which I believe came from an era which is rather ancient.
Apa yang menarik tembok dibuat dari batu karang.
What is interesting the wall was built from coral reefs.
Sedangkan bahagian laut terdekat adalah 6 km dari sini...
When on the other hand the closest section of sea is 6 km from here...