Bersambung daripada Rupa baru makam Sunan Giri (New look of the tomb of Sunan Giri).
Continuing from Rupa baru makam Sunan Giri (New look of the tomb of Sunan Giri).
Masuk ke pusat kota Grisek terdapat makam Raden Santri.
Entering the Grisek town centre there exists the tomb of Raden Santri.
Beliau adalah abang kepada Sunan Ampel, pemimpin majlis Wali Songo.
He is the elder brother to Sunan Ampel, leader of the council of Wali Songo (the 9 famous saints of Java).
Nama sebenar beliau adalah Sayyid Ali Murtadho.
His real name is Sayyid Ali Murtadho.
Terdapat beberapa makam lain dalam kawasan ini. Kalau tak salah ia milik anak-anak murid Raden Santri...
There exists a number of other tombs within this area. If not mistaken it belongs to pupils of Raden Santri...