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Tanah perkuburan lama di (Old burial ground at) Kampung Chohong, Jasin, Melaka

Salam. Keluar sebentar daripada cerita tempat-tempat di Pantai Timur...
Peace be upon you all. Going out for a while from the the stories on places in the East Coast.

Empat hari lalu iaitu pada hari Isnin 12 September 2016 bersamaan 10 Zulhijjah 1437 Hijriah saya dan isteri telah pergi ke satu tempat di Kampung Chohong, Jasin, Melaka.
Four days ago that is on Monday 12th September 2016  equivalent to 10th Zulhijjah 1437 Hijriah (the Muslim calendar) me and wife went to a place in Kampung Chohong, Jasin, Melaka.

Ia dikatakan sebuah tanah perkuburan lama Islam.
It is said to be an old Muslim burial ground.

Kewujudannya mula mendapat perhatian ramai apabila muncul di surat khabar kurang sebulan lalu.
It's existence caught the attention of many when it appeared in newspapers less than a months ago.

Berdasarkan bentuk batu-batu nesan dan cara ukiran ia dikatakan menjadi petunjuk kepada kewujudan sebuah kerajaan lama,,,
Based on the shapes of the tombstones and how it was chiseled it is said to point out to the existence of an old kingdom...

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