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Masjid (Mosque of) Datoh, Patani

Bersambung dari artikel Masjid (Mosque of ) Barahom, Patani
Continuing from the article Masjid (Mosque of ) Barahom, Patani.

Dari kawasan Barahom kami menaiki bot menyeberangi Teluk Patani untuk sampai ke Kampung Datoh. Kelihatan masjid ini lalu kami pun singgah.
From the area of Barahom we rode a boat crossing Teluk (gulf of) Patani to reach Kampng (village of) Datoh. This mosque came into view and we made a stop.

Kelihatan di sini bahagian lama masjid. Ketika ini pintu masuknya sedang berkunci.
Seen here is the old section of the mosque. At this time the door to get in was locked.

Melihat bahagian lama masjid dari luar...
Looking at the old section of the mosque from outside...

Ada papan maklumat menyatakan ia berumur sekitar 200 tahun. Tetapi orang tempatan menyatakan ia telah berumur 500 tahun.
There is an information board saying it is around 200 years old. But locals say it is already 500  years old.

Masuk waktu Maghrib baru pintu masuk dibuka.
When the time for Maghrib (after dusk prayers) came then only the door was opened.

Saya pun mengambil kesempatan melihat ke dalam. 
I then took the opportunity to look inside. 

Tetapi solat berjemaah diadakan di luar iaitu pada bahagian baru masjid yang dibina sekitar tahun 1949.
But congregational prayers were conducted outside that is at the new section of the mosque built around the year 1949.

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