Bersambung daripada artikel Rupa baru Masjid Zadul Muad (New look of the mosque of Zadul Muad), Perlak.
Continuing from the article Rupa baru Masjid Zadul Muad (New look of the mosque of Zadul Muad), Perlak.
Sekitar 8 km ke pendalaman dari Masjid Zadul Muad terdapat kompleks makam Sultan Sayyid Maulana Abdul Aziz Syah.
Around 8 km inland from the Zadul Muad mosque the lies the tomb complex of Sultan Sayyid Maulana Abdul Aziz,
Memerintah sekitar 1,200 tahun lalu baginda adalah sultan pertama kerajaan Perlak.
Ruled around 1,200 years ago his majesty was the first Sultan (Islamic monarch) of the kingdom of Perlak.
Kompleks ini dahulu terdiri daripada beberapa bangunan kayu.
This complex used to consist of a number of wooden buildings.
Sekarang ia ada beberapa bangunan moden batu.
Now it has a number of modern brick buildings.
Makam Sultan Sayyid Maulana...
The tomb of Sultan Sayyid Maulana...