Salam Jumaat. Kita 'melompat' ke Kuala Lumpur...
Peace be upon you all this Friday. Let us 'jump' to Kuala Lumpur...
Petang semalam saya singgah di Masjid Jamek Kuala Lumpur.
Last afternoon I stopped by at the Masjid Jamek (main mosque of) Kuala Lumpur.
Saya mahu melihat perkembangan kerja-kerja renovasi masjid.
I wanted to have a look at the development of renovation works on the mosque.
Dari luar tadi satu nampak perbezaan yang nyata. Ruang menuju masuk ke halaman sudah dilebarkan dan ada kawasan tiang berpayung di sisi.
From the outside one can already see obvious differences. The space leading to its lawn has been widened and the is an area with canopies on pillars at the side.
Bangunan utama masjid sendiri kelihatan sama seperti dahulu. Rujuk artikel lama Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Kuala Lumpur
The mosque's main buildings itself looks like it stays the same. Refer to the old article Masjid jamek (Main mosque of) Kuala Lumpur.
Yang banyak berubah adalah kawasan halaman.
Most of the changes happened at the lawn area.
Kita lihat sayap kanan masjid.
We look at the right wing of the mosque.
Ke hadapan boleh kelihatan perubahan besar dilakukan pada halaman...
At the front could be seen major changes to the lawn...
Menuju ke bahagian utama di tengah...
Heading towards the main section in the middle...
Keluar balik untuk melihatan halaman belakang tengah...
Going back outside to look at the rear middle lawn...
Pada saya di sinilah perubahan paling nyata kelihatan...
For me this is where the changes look most pronounced...
Dahulu halaman sebelah sini adalah sempit, tidak ada payung dan lain-lain.
Previously the lawn here was narrow, there was no canopy and other things.
Sekarang ada ruang besar yang membuat bangunan utama masjid yang berusia lebih 100 tahun ini kelihatan begitu terserlah.
Now there is huge space which makes the main building of the mosque which is more than 100 years old look so outstanding.
Ini nampaknya dapat dilakukan dengan membuka ruang serapat mungkin ke Sungai Klang di sebelah...
This looks like it has been done by opening up the space to as close as possible to the Klang river besides...