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Masjid Teluk Memali hampir siap di lokasi baru (Teluk Memali mosque almost completed at new location), Ipoh


Hampir senja saya pergi ke kawasan perumahan Taman Botani di selatan bandar raya Ipoh lalu singgah di masjid ini.
Close to dusk I went to the housing area of Taman Botani at the south of Ipoh city and stopped by this mosque. 

Ia juga berumur lebih 100 tahun tetapi berasal dari kawasan lain.
It is also more than 100 years old but originated from a different area.

Sebetulnya inilah masjid lama yang diperkenalkan melalui artikel Masjid lama misteri (Mysterious old mosque) lebih 10 tahun lalu.
Actually this is the old mosque which was introduced through the article Masjid lama misteri (Mysterious old mosque) more than 10 years ago.

Cerita lanjut tentangnya dikongsikan melalui artikel Masjid lama Perak yang terbiar (An old and abandoned Perak old mosque) 8 bulan selepas itu.
Further stories on it were in turn shared through the article Masjid lama Perak yang terbiar (An old and abandoned Perak old mosque) 8 months afterward.

Awal tahun lepas telah dimulakan usaha menyelamatkan masjid dengan cara memindahkannya ke Ipoh.
Early last year an effort was started to save the mosque by moving it to Ipoh.

Bahagian yang rosak diperbaiki atau diganti. sedikit penambahan sesuai dibuat dengan masjid dicat baru.
Sections which had rot down were repaired or replaced, a bit of suitable additions were made with the mosque painted new.

Penghujung Januari 2017 baru saya berkesempatan menyiksakan perkembangan di lokasi baru. Rujuk artikel Masjid Teluk Memali dalam proses didirikan kembali di Ipoh (Mosque of Teluk Memali in the process of re-erecting back in Ipoh).
It was only at the end of January 2017 that I had the opportunity to witness development at the new location. Refer to the article Masjid Teluk Memali dalam proses didirikan kembali di Ipoh (Mosque of Teluk Memali in the process of re-erecting back in Ipoh).

Ketika saya sampai lagi lewat petang Rabu 26 April ia hampir siap, sudah boleh digunakan untuk bersolat.
When I arrived again late afternoon Wednesday 26th April it was almost completed, already could be used to conduct prayers.

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