Bersambung daripada artikel Makam (Tomb of) Tok Pauh Bok.
Continuing from the article Makam (Tomb of) Tok Pauh Bok.
Kembali ke arah bandar Patani kami singgah di tempat ini.
Returning towards town of Patani we stopped by at this place.
Ada telaga yang menarik perhatian orang yang suka beramal.
There is a well which attracts people who likes to practice their religion.
Namanya Telaga Sheikh Daud al-Fathani.
Its name is Telaga (Well of) Sheikh Daud al-Fathani.
Katanya ia dikorek oleh ulamak besar tersebut lebih 200 tahun lalu.
It is said to have been dug by the master scholar mentioned more than 200 years ago.