Bersambung daripada Masjid (Mosque of) Raja Patani, Cabang Tiga.
Continuing from Masjid (Mosque of) Raja Patani, Cabang Tiga.
Turut terdapat dalam kawasan Cabang Tiga adalah kota Raja Patani sezaman dengan masjid.
Also within the area of Cabang Tiga is the fort of the kings of Patani from the same age as the mosque.
Cuma kedudukannya sudah direndahkan apabila papan tanda rasmi moden menyebut ia sekadar rumah gabernur Patani.
It's just is position has been lowered when the official modern signboard mentioned it as just the house of the governor of Patani.
Memang selepas Patani jatuh ke tangan kerajaan Thai yang berpusat di Bangkok tahun 1785 raja-rajanya dianggap sebagai gabernor oleh kuasa pusat.
Admittedly after Patani went down into the hands of the Thai kingdom which is centred in Bangkok in the year 1785 it's rulers were considered as governors by the central government.
Tetapi Patani masih memiliki pemerintah bertaraf sultan sampailah Kesultanan Patani dilupuskan sepenuhnya tahun 1902.
Still Patani had rulers of the status of Sultans until the Sultanate of Patani was totally abolished in the year 1902.