Bersambung daripada Masjid (Mosque of), Nurussalam, Ban Bana, Patani.
Continuing from Masjid (Mosque of), Nurussalam, Ban Bana, Patani.
Daripada masjid kami mengikut seorang warga tempatan masuk ke kawasan pendalaman berdekatan untuk sampai ke tempat ini..
From the mosque we followed a local to enter a nearby rural area to get to this place.
Terdapat makam seorang ulamak yang tersohor dalam sejarah lama Patani.
There exist the tomb of a religious master of much repute in old Patani history.
Namanya Sheikh Safiyuddin Abbasi...
His name is Sheikh Safiyuddin Abbasi...
Menurut satu riwayat beliaulah yang bertanggungjawab mengIslamkan raja Patani lebih 500 tahun lalu.
According to a tradition he was the one responsible for converting the king of Patani to Islam more than 500 years ago.