Salam. Pergi ke hari ke-5 perjalanan saya ke Patani bersama keluarga 19-25 Mac.
Peace be upon you. On to the 5th day of my Patani trip with the family 19-25 March.
Petang Jumaat 23 Mac 2018. Kami keluar bandar Patani masuk ke daerah Jambu lalu singgah di tempat ini.
Friday afternoon 23rd March 2018. We went out of the town of Patani to enter the district of Jambu and stopped by at this place.
Ia adalah istana Raja Jambu.
It is the palace of the king (ruler of) Jambu.
Jambu dahulu adalah satu wilayah di dalam kerajaan Patani.
Jambu was once a province in the kingdom of Patani.
Apabila Patani dipecahkan kepada beberapa wilayah atau negeri kecil oleh kerajaan Thai abad ke-19 Masihi Jambu dijadikan negeri dengan pemerintah tersendiri...
When Patani was broken up into a number of provinces or small states by the kingdom of Thai in the 19th century AD Jambu was turned into a state with its own ruler...