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Makam raja lama (Tomb of an olden king at) Pengkalan Baru, Beruas?

Bersambung daripada artikel Makam (Tomb of) Panglima Syamsul Bahrin?.
Continuing from the artikel Makam (Tomb of) Panglima Syamsul Bahrin?.

Di bahagian lain Pengkalan Baru kami ditunjukkan kawasan ini.
At another section of Pengkalan Baru we were shown this area.

Katanya terdapat makam seorang raja lama.
It is said there exists the tomb of an old king.

Cuma orang yang memberitahu tidak pasti apakah daripada zaman Beruas atau Gangganegara. Beliau menyebutnya seolah-olah sama kerajaan dan zaman...
It's just the person who told us this was not sure if it is from the age of  Beruas or Gangganegara. He mentioned it as if both are the same kingdom and of the same period.

Sayang batu-batu nesannya telah hilang. Menurut pemberitahu berusia 70 tahun itu dahulu pada zaman mudanya ia masih boleh kelihatan sebelum tenggelam ke dalam tanah.
Too bad its tombstones are missing. According to the informer aged 70 years old once upon a time during his younger days it could be seen before sinking into the ground...

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