Bersambung daripada Makam di tepi tasik Teluk Bakong (Tomb besides lake at Teluk Bakong).
Esoknya Ahad 8 Februari 2015 saya dan keluarga berjalan di sekitar pekan Beruas lalu singgah di rumah lama ini.
The following day Sunday 8th February 2015 me and family went around the small town of Beruas and stopped by at this old house.
Saya difahamkan ia dahulunya milik satu keluarga kaya, kemudian dijadikan markas persatuan sejarah tempatan.
I understand it once belong to a rich family, then it was turned into the headquarters of the local history society.
Rumah ini memiliki ciri-ciri seni yang cantik.
This house has artistic traits which are beautiful.
Cuma ia sudah lama tidak diduduki dan perlukan kerja-kerja pemulihan.
It's just it has not been inhabited long and is in need of restoration works.