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Wat Kasatrathirat Worawihan, Ayutthaya

Salam pagi Jumaat. Kembali kepada perjalanan saya dan keluarga di Cambodia dan Thailand. Terus ke hari ke-9 di mana kami sudah berada di bandar raya Ayutthaya, Thailand.
Peace be upon you this Friday morning. Returning back to me and family's trip in Cambodia and Thailand trip. On to the 9th day when we were already at the city of Ayutthaya, Thailand.

Kami telah bermalam di sebuah rumah penginapan tepian Sungai Chao Phraya di satu bahagian barat Ayutthaya. Di sebelah rumah penginapan terdapat kompleks kuil ini.
We have spent the night at a lodging house besides the Chao Phraya river at western section of Ayutthaya. Besides it lies this temple complex.

Menariknya saya dapati semua bangunan dalam kompleks menghadap kiblat iaitu Ka'aba di Mekah.
Interestingly I found all buildings inside the complex faces the qiblah (Muslims direction for prayers).which is the Ka'aba in Mecca.

Nama kuil adalah Wat Kasatrathirat Worawihan.
The name of the temple is Wat Kasatrathirat Worawihan.

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