Bersambung daripada artikel Sebuah makam terserlah di (An outstanding tomb at) Kebun Lama, Pulau Pinang.
Continuing from the article Sebuah makam terserlah di (An outstanding tomb at) Kebun Lama, Pulau Pinang.
Adapun sebelum sampai ke tanah perkuburan Kebun Lama kami ternampak masjid ini.
As it is before arriving at the Kebun Lama burial ground we saw this mosque.
Letaknya cuma 100 meter ke barat perkuburan.
Its location is just 100 metres to the west of the burial ground.
Namanya Masjid Acheh Kebun Lama...
Its name is Masjid (mosque of) Acheh Kebun Lama...