Salam. Hari ini 16 September adalah Hari Malaysia. Terus kepada penceritaan hari ke-2 perjalanan pusing Aceh dan utara Sumatera 28 Ogos hingga 4 September.
Peace be upon you. Today 16th September is Malaysia Day. On to the storytelling for the 2nd day of the Aceh and north Sumatera round trip 28th August till 4th September.
Pagi Khamis 29 Ogos 2019. Selepas bermalam di satu kompleks perumahan di Lhoong sekitar 50 km ke selatan Banda Aceh kami meneruskan perjalanan lebih jauh ke selatan lalu singgah di Meunasah Lhok.
Thursday morning 29th August 2019. After spending the night at a housing complex in Lhoong around 50 km south of Banda Aceh we continued our trip further south and stopped by at Meunasah Lhok.
Di sini terdapat satu bangunan makam di tepi pantai menghadap Lautan Hindi.
Here there is a tomb building besides a beach facing the Indian Ocean.
Pada satu bahagian tertulis nama Teungku Abdullah bin Yakub.
At one section is written the name Teungku Abdullah bin Yakub.
Beliau adalah seorang ulamak yang mati syahid menentang Belanda tahun 1933.
He was a religious master who died a martyr fighting against the Dutch in the year 1933.
Untuk makluman ini adalah artikel ke-1,991 di blogspot ARTMELAYU.
For information this is the 1,991th article in the ARTMELAYU blogspot.