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Makam (Tomb of) Sheikh Muda Waly

Bersambung daripada Makam (Tomb of) Teungku Peukan.

Selepas jam 9 malam kami sampai ke makam seorang ulamak besar bertaraf wali abad ke-20 yang dikenali sebagai Sheikh Muda Waly.
After 9 at night we arrived at the tomb of a major religious master of saintly status of the 20th century known as Sheikh Muda Waly.

Letaknya di sebuah kompleks sekolah pondok bernama Dayah Darussalam di Labuhan Haji sekitar 390 km ke tenggara Banda Aceh.
It is located in a traditional Islamic school complex named Dayah Darussalam in Labuhan Haji around 390 km to the east of Banda Aceh.

Dilahirkan tahun 1917 sebelum meninggal dunia tahun 1961 beliau yang membawa tariqat Naqsyabandiyah-Khaliddiyah pernah menjadi ketua ulamak Aceh.
Born in the year 1917 before passing away in the year 1961 the man who practised tariqat (Islamic spiritul path of) Naqsyabandiyah-Khaliddiyah was once head of the religious masters of Aceh.

Dikatakan hampir semua ulamak besar Aceh selepas itu adalah anak didik beliau.
It is said that almost all religious masters of Aceh after that were his students.

Dalam kompleks makam disemadikan jasad ahli keluarga dan murid-murid kanan beliau...
Inside the tomb complex were laid to rest remains of family members and his senior students...


Makam Sheikh Muda Waly...
Tomb of Sheikh Muda Waly...

Untuk makluman ini adalah artikel ke-2002 di blogspot ini.
For information this is the 2002th article in this blogspot.

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