Bersambung daripada Makam lama di puncak bukit di Lamuri (Old tomb at the top of a hill in Lamuri).
Ke bawah sedikit daripada puncak terdapat satu lagi makam lama.
A bit lower from the summit there exist another old tomb.
Tidak seperti makam di puncak, yang ini telah dikenal pasti pemiliknya.
Not like the tomb at the summit, the owner had already been identified.
Saya diberitahu ia milik seorang sultan kerajaan Lamuri yang bertakwa. Kalau tak salah ingatan namanya Sultan Muhammad dan baginda mangkat tahun 1412 Masihi.
I was told it belongs to a pious sultan of the kingdom of Lamuri. If my memory is not mistaken his name is Sultan Muhammad and his highness passed away in the year 1412 AD.