Bersambung daripada Masjid Raya (Main mosque of) Barus.
Continued from Masjid Raya (Main mosque of) Barus.
Pekan Barus terletak dekat laut. Terdapat satu monumen dekat tepi pantai.
The small town of Barus is situated near the sea. There is a monument close to the beach.
Monumen dibina sebagai tanda peringatan bahawa Barus sudah dikenali dalam sejarah dunia sejak ribuan tahun lampau kerana produk kapur barus.
Monument was built in remembrance of the fact that Barus is already known in world history since thousand of years ago because of its product the kapur barus (camphor).
Di sini juga terdapat makam-makam pendakwah Islam yang diketahui paling awal sampai ke Indonesia.
Here also exists tombs of Islamic preachers who were known as the earliest to have reached Indonesia.