Bersambung daripada Muzium Islam (Islamic Museum of) Samudera-Pasai.
Continuing from Muzium Islam (Islamic Museum of) Samudera-Pasai.
Kira-kira 130 meter dari muzium terdapat bangunan ini.
Around 130 meter from the museum lies this building.
Dikenali sebagai Monumen Islam Samudera Pasai ia belum betul-betul siap.
Known as the the Islamic Monument of Samudera Pasai it is not really completed.
Saya tak pasti apakah sebenarnya fungsinya...
I'm not sure what is actually its function...
Tetapi ia sudah menjadi tarikan yang boleh memberi gambaran zaman keemasan kerajaan Islam Samudera dan Pasai yang pernah berdiri daripada abad ke-13 hingga ke 16 Masihi...
But it is already an attraction which could give pictures of the golden ages of the Islamic kingdom of Samudera and Pasai which have stood from the 13th till the 16th century AD...