Bersambung daripada Makam (Tomb of) Meurah I.
Continued from Makam (Tomb of) Meurah I.
Petang sedikit saya dibawa ke satu kawasan pemakaman di barat Banda Aceh mendekati Lautan Hindi.
A bit in the afternoon I was brought to a tomb area at the west of Banda Aceh closing towards the Indian Ocean.
Di sini dapat dilihat batu-batu nesan Aceh yang tidak lengkap kerana tiada ukiran hiasan mahupun ayat-ayat berbahasa Arab seperti lazimnya pada batu nesan jenis ini.
Here could be seen Aceh tombstones which are incomplete as there are no decorative carvings nor verses in the Arab language which is often seen on these type of tombstones.
Kawan saya menunjukkan ini kerana beliau percaya di sekitar ini pernah terdapat satu tempat pembuatan batu nesan Aceh suatu masa dahulu.
My friend showed this as he believed around here there used to exists a place for making Aceh tombstones once upon a time.
Cuma ada sedikit sahaja batu nesan yang cukup sifat. Yang lainnya mungkin dipasang selepas tukang-tukang batu meninggalkan kawasan, boleh jadi disebabkan pencerobohan Belanda yang bermula di Aceh tahun 1873.
There are just a few tombstones which are complete in charater. There others could have been erected after the stone masons left the area, probably after invasion of the Dutch which started in Aceh in the year 1873.