Bersambung daripada Masjid (Mosque of) Darul Islam, Phattalung.
Continuing from Masjid (Mosque of) Darul Islam, Phattalung.
Dari masjid saya berjalan kaki kembali ke hotel lalu terlihat pintu gerbang ini.
From the mosque I walked back to the hotel and caught sight of this gate.
Saya pun masuk ke dalam.
I then entered inside.
Ia adalah kawasan kompleks kuil Wat Khuha Sawan.
It is the area of the temple complex of Wat Khuha Sawan.
Ada beberapa bangunan kuil.
There are a number of temple buildings.
Ada pula gua dengan patung-patung Buddha...
There is in turn a cave with Buddha statues...
Ada juga patung tokoh-tokoh lain yang berkenaan...
There are also statues of other related personalities...