Salam semua. Pergi pada hari ke-2 perjalanan Pahang baru ini.
Peace be upon you all. On to the 2nd day of the recent Pahang trip.
Pagi Sabtu 3 September 2022. Saya dan keluarga telah bermalam dalam sebuah bilik dekat masjid tua ini.
Saturday morning 3rd September 2022. Me and family have spent night at a room near this old mosque.
Kami pernah bermalam dalam masjid lebih 8 tahun lalu. Lihat artikel lama Masjid lama (Old mosque of) Pulau Tawar. Sekarang sudah ada papan maklumat menyatakan ia telah didirikan seawal tahun 1700 Masihi.
We had once spent the night inside the mosque more than 8 years ago. Look at the old article Masjid lama (Old mosque of) Pulau Tawar. Now there is an information board that says it has been built as early as in the year 1700 AD.
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