Bersambung daripada Lawatan baru ke Masjid (New visit to the mosque of ) Baitus Shalihin, Ulee Kareng.
Seterusnya kami masuk kampus sebuah universiti untuk melihat kawasan makam lama ini.
Next we entered the campus of a university to look at this old tomb area.
Saya pernah ke sini 2-3 kali lalu menulis artikel bertajuk Makam Raja Muda Selangor di Aceh? (Tomb of regent of Selangor in Aceh?)
I have been here 2-3 times and wrote an article titled Makam Raja Muda Selangor di Aceh? (Tomb of regent of Selangor in Aceh?)
Tentang kenapa diberi tajuk itu telah diterangkan dalam artikel tersebut...
On why it was given that title has been explained in the said article...
Artikel ini mahu menunjukkan keadaan terbaru walau tidak banyak beza.
This article wants to show the latest condition although there was not much difference.