Bersambung daripada Melihat lagi makam Muda Selangor (Looking again at tomb of Muda Selangor).
Ke timur Banda Aceh ada satu kawasan perumahan yang katanya dibina oleh pelakon filem aksi terkenal dari Hong Kong iaitu Jackie Chan.
To the east of Banda Aceh there is a housing area said to have been built by the famous action film movie star from Hong Kong that is Jackie Chan.
Turut dibina adalah masjid ini.
Also built were this mosque.
Perumahan dibina sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha lebih 50 buah negara membina balik Aceh selepas musnah dilanda Tsunami 26 Disember 2004.
The housing was built as part of the efforts of more than 50 nations to rebuilt Aceh after it was destroyed due to the Tsunami of 26th December 2004.
Tetapi maklumat rasmi menyatakan perumahan yang mengandungi masjid ini dibina oleh 2 persatuan yang berpengkalan di China.
But the official information says the housing which contains this mosque was built by 2 associations which are based in China.