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Makam (Tomb of) Tok Kundah @ Gondah


Bersambung daripada artikel Tapak masjid lama (Site of old mosque of) Tok Gondah.

Continuing from the article Tapak masjid lama (Site of old mosque of) Tok Gondah.

Seterusnya kami ditunjukkan makam Tok Gondah kira-kira 200-300 meter dari tapak masjid lama.
Next we were shown the tomb of Tok Gondah around 200-300 metres from the site of the old mosque..

Tertulis nama sebenar beliau adalah Haji Ahmad bin Tok Laji tetapi lebih dikenali sebagai Tok Kundah. Tetapi sering disebut sebagai Tok Gondah. Cuma tahun kembali ke rahmatullah iaitu 1798 itu mungkin terkeliru dengan tahun beliau mengasaskan Lekir. Kerana ada sebab untuk percaya beliau ada terlibat dalam pembunuhan Residen pertama British ke Perak iaitu J.W.W. Birch, pada tahun 1875.
Written his real name was Haji  Ahmad bin Tok Laji but better known as Tok Kundah. But often mentioned as Tok Gondah. It's just the year he is mentioned as having died which is 1798 might be a confusion with the year he established Lekir. This is because there is reason to believe he was involved in the assassination of British's first resident in Perak which was J.W.W. Birch, in the year 1875.

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