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Makam sebenar (Real tomb of) Tok Sagor?


Bersambung daripada Makam (Tomb of) Tok Kundah @ Gondah.

Continuing from Makam (Tomb of) Tok Kundah @ Gondah.

Seterusnya kami ditunjukkan sebuah makam lain kira-kira 20-30 meter ke timur laut.
Next we were shown another tomb around 20-30 metres to the north-east.

Katanya inilah makam sebenar pejuang Melayu abad ke-19 yang dikenali sebagai Tok Sagor.
It is said this is the true tomb of the 19th century Malay fighter known as Tok Sagor.

Ini bertentangan dengan cerita rasmi sejarah yang menyebut Tok Sagor mati dihukum gantung kerana terlibat dalam pembunuhan Residen pertama British ke Perak iaitu J.W.W. Birch, pada tahun 1875. Lalu makam beliau dikatakan terletak di Matang. Lihat artikel lama Makam (Tomb of) Tok Sagor.
This is contrary to official version of history which say Tok Sagor died after sentenced to hang for involvement in the assassination of British's first resident in Perak which was J.W.W. Birch, in the year 1875. And so his tomb is said to be situated in Matang. Look at the old article Makam (Tomb of) Tok Sagor.

Namun ada cerita menyebut beliau dapat melarikan diri daripada buruan British. Lalu beliau meninggal dunia secara aman sekitar tahun 1940an.
Still there is a story saying he managed to run away from British hunt. And so he passed away in peace around the year 1940s.

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