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Pameran luar di Muzium Aceh (Outside exhibits at Museum of Aceh)


Dari masjid kami ke Muzium Aceh di mana terdapat makam-makam ini.
From the mosque we went to the Museum of Aceh where lies these tombs.

Dipanggil makam raja-raja Aceh keturunan Bugis ia terletak di perkarangan muzium.
Called the tombs of Aceh kings of Bugis lineage it is located at the museum grounds.

Di bahagian lain muzium terdapat model-model menunjukkan Masjid Baiturrahman pada beberapa peringkat perkembangan...
At another section of the museum there are models showing Masjid (mosque of Baiturrahman) at a number of stages of development...

Begini rupanya pada tahun 1879.
This is how it looked in 1879.

Ia kemudian ditambah kubah daripada 1 menjadi 3 kemudian 5 sambil dibesarkan lagi bangunan...
It is later added with domes from 1 to become 3 then 5 while the building was enlarged...

Seingat saya dahulu tidak ada model-model masjid itu,. Kalau yang ini, sekeping kayu keras yang biasa dibuat kapal, kayu Perlak kalau tak salah memang dah lama ada.
As far as I could remember there were no mosque models before. If this one, a piece of hard wood which is usually turned into ships, Perlak wood if not mistaken has indeed long been here.

Ia terletak di bangunan kayu ini, sebuah rumah tradisional Aceh..
It is located at this wood building, an Aceh traditional house...

Di sebelah rumah ada loceng besar lama hadiahkan daripada kerajaan Cina 600 tahun lalu.
Besides the house there is an old big bell presented by the kingdom of Cina 600 years ago.

Dahulu ia terletak berdekatan pintu masuk halaman muzium. Sekarang sudah dialih ke sini.
Previously it was located close to the museum ground entrance. Now it has been moved here.

Di hadapan satu bangunan batu terdapat batu-batu nesan lama ini.
In front of a brick building lies these old tombstones.

Dahulu tiada ini...
Previously these did not exist...

Kalau tak salah ia diambil dari makam-makam yang sudah rosak, misalnya akibat ditenggelami air selepas Tsunami 26 Disember 2004.
If not mistaken it is taken from damaged tombs, for example those immersed in water after the Tsunami 26th December 2004.

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